Monday, September 2, 2013

A Weekend in Port au Prince

I was invited by one of the staff at FSIL (Faculté Science Infirmier de Leogane,  the nursing school) to spend the weekend with her and her family in Port au Prince. It was a lovely weekend full of awesome food, nice people, and beautiful thunderstorms.

Port au Prince in general is full of life, with people everywhere and song and music streaming in the windows at all hours of the night. The government buildings, razed in the earthquake of 2010, are being rebuilt. People live incredibly close together and every inch of flat space is taken up by someone’s abode. Moving my luggage inside, I got caught in a soaking rainstorm. In a ten minute rainstorm, the streets became streams that people used to send garbage downhill. It is easy to see why a rainstorm of any length can cause massive destruction and sweep people away in a city with limited drainage. People sell everything on the sidewalks and in between cars from twine to baggies of water to fully cooked meals to shoes.

I have really enjoyed Haitian food so far (the Dean swears I must have some Haitian in me because of the amount that I can eat!) and I will be doing a detailed post about Haitian food in the near future. But my special treat this weekend was to go to the suburb of Port au Prince called Petionville where most of the Ex-Pats live. Here you can find restaurants that serve things like pizza, burgers and fries, and mozzarella sticks. I enjoyed chicken fingers, French fries, and Coke… tasted like home J Also around Petionville are a number of artisans selling traditional Haitian crafts like metalwork and straw weavings. I did not make any purchases this time around but enjoyed perusing!

Port au Prince at Sunset, looking out over the ocean 

French colonization left some great treats behind... like crepes. This one had ham and this awesome sauce that tasted strangely similar to Taco Bell's quesadilla sauce

Port au Prince by Day! 

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